There’s an old adage that goes, “Be careful what you wish for.” In the case of former President Donald Trump and his campaign, the wish was to paint President Joe Biden as old and incompetent.

But, not so old or so incompetent that he dropped out of the race. Their entire campaign has been based on the calculations they thought they needed to defeat the current president. They deliberated, poll-tested, prepared and took action, jumping on every stumble, hesitation or mis-statement. They’ve even set aside millions for an advertising blitz this fall.

According to Tim Alberta, writing in The Atlantic earlier this month, “only one thing could disrupt that plan: a change of candidates at the top.”

They just got it.

Fellow Atlantic writer McKay Coppins tweeted, “After a year of trying to convince America that Joe Biden was diminished and in cognitive decline, Trump campaign officials are getting worried that they might have been *too* successful.”

That potential scenario unfolded on Sunday, when President Biden announced that he was withdrawing from the race and endorsing Kamala Harris to be his successor.

Alberta posted shortly after Biden’s announcement, “That sound you hear is the Trump campaign ripping up a detailed, brilliant, and suddenly useless blueprint for beating Joe Biden.”

Read more from the original article on the Deseret News.

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